The Difference in Net Worth Between Homeowners and Renters Is Widening Becoming financially secure is an important goal for many people today, but some don’t realize just how much homeownership can help them achieve that dream. A recent report, The Journey Toward Financial Freedom, surveys Americans about their perspective on financial wellness and their goals. […]
What is the Coronavirus and is it affecting the real estate market?
Single-family homes and condos hit highest ever median sale price in Massachusetts

Massachusetts statewide median price for a single-family home was $372,000 This real estate market is on fire. Prices have steadily been increasing, rates have been decreasing. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, there is a great opportunity out there for you. The Warren Group collects and compiles data on real estate sales and […]
How to Host the Ultimate Garage Sale!
Buying In A Sellers Market
Buying In A Sellers Market As a buyer, is it possible to find your dream home is this market? Sure it is. So how do you go about buying in a sellers market? In this week’s video, Kelly talks about the importance of being prepared when you are a buyer in a sellers market. Finding […]
Eleven Real Estate Terms You Should Know Before Buying or Selling
Falling in Love with Two Houses – What’s a Buyer To Do?

You’ve made the decision to buy a home and you’ve committed to research and view homes with your buyers agent. You’ve done all your due diligence, gotten your pre-approval and through all the ups and down, you finally find the home you love…but then you find another! If you are lucky enough to find two […]
How do real estate agents get paid and how much do they really make?
How to buy a home – Step 11 – The Final Walk through
How to buy a home – Steps 8 & 9 Removing Contingencies

After negotiations and accepting offers it is now time to work on those contingencies you listed in the offer. A. Removing Contingencies – Home inspections and research period. Once your offer is accepted you will move through removing your contingencies. There are many types of contingencies that can be written in to an offer. Your agent […]